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How Can I Protect My Mobile From Virus

What can I do to protect my phone? The following tips can help prevent problems with viruses on your phone: 1. Switch to Bluetooth ...


Tuesday, 29 November 2016

वायरस को स्मार्टफ़ोन पर आने से रोकें

स्मार्टफ़ोन पर मैलवेयर या वायरस का ख़तरा हमेशा मंडराता रहता है. उसपर किसी के बारे में इतनी जानकारी होती है कि हैकरों की नज़र घूम फिर कर उन्हीं पर पड़ जाती है.
ट्रोजन वायरस सबसे ख़तरनाक तरह का वायरस होता है जो स्मार्टफ़ोन के एक कोने में छुप कर बैठा रहता है और चुपचाप जानकारी भेजता रहता है.
ट्रोजन वायरस आपके सिस्टम या आपकी जानकारी पर पहले कब्ज़ा करता है और उसके बाद स्मार्टफ़ोन, टैबलेट या कंप्यूटर से जानकारी धीरे-धीरे उस कंप्यूटर तक पहुंचाता है जिसके लिए उसे प्रोग्राम किया गया है.
कई बार पोर्न वेबसाइट से ऐसे ट्रोजन डिवाइस पर आ जाते हैं. इससे बचने के कुछ आसान तरीक़ो हैं जिनपर ज़रूर ध्यान देना चाहिए.
जो भी ऐप डाउनलोड करते हैं वो सिर्फ जानी-मानी कंपनी का ही होनी चाहिए. डाउनलोड करने के पहले एक बार ऐप बनाने वाली कंपनी के बारे में थोड़ा पढ़ लीजिये और थोड़ा गूगल सर्च भी कर लीजिये. अगर उन्होंने कुछ और ऐप भी बनाए हैं तो बहुत बढ़िया. उनके रिव्यू से आपको कंपनी और उसके प्रोडक्ट के बारे में थोड़ी जानकारी ज़रूर मिल जाएगी.

गूगल प्ले स्टोर पर ऐप का रिव्यू ज़रूर पढ़िए. कोई ज़रूरी नहीं है कि चार या पांच सितारा वाली रेटिंग देख कर ऐप को ज़रूर डाउनलोड कर लेना चाहिए. गूगल प्ले स्टोर पर रिव्यू लिखने वाले वो लोग होंगे जिन्होंने ऐप का इस्तेमाल किया है और उनके शब्द आपके लिए बहुत काम के हो सकते हैं.
अगर कुछ लोगों ने प्रोडक्ट को ख़राब कहा है तो कंपनी ने उस बारे में क्या जवाब दिया है उससे भी कंपनी के बारे में पता चलता है.
कोई भी ऐप स्मार्टफोन से जो भी जानकारी लेने की इजाज़त मांगता है उससे भी ऐप के बारे में पता चलता है. अगर आप कोई अलार्म ऐप डाउनलोड करना चाहते हैं तो उसे स्मार्टफ़ोन पर तस्वीरें देखने की इजाज़त तो नहीं चाहिए होगी.
उसी तरह कैलकुलेटर वाले ऐप को नेटवर्क एक्सेस की ज़रुरत बिलकुल नहीं होनी चाहिए. ऐसा देखते ही आपको सावधान हो जाना चाहिए.
कई लोगों का मानना है कि ऐप्पल और गूगल के प्ले स्टोर के अलावा दूसरे प्ले स्टोर से ऐप नहीं डाउनलोड करना चाहिए. ऐसे डाउनलोड से ट्रोजन या दूसरे तरह के वायरस स्मार्टफोन या टैबलेट में आ सकते हैं.

लेकिन ये बात सौ आने सच नहीं मानी जा सकती है. हां, सिक्योरिटी सॉफ्टवेर इस्तेमाल करने से ऐसा या दूसरा कोई ख़तरा बहुत कम हो जाता है. दूसरे प्ले स्टोर से ऐप डाउनलोड करने से ख़तरा तो होता ही है.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Follow the below steps to recover deleted messages on your whatsapp:

Follow the below steps to recover deleted messages on your whatsapp:

  1. Whatsapp saves all conversation on SD Cards of mobile
  2. Go to Mobile SD Card > Whatsapp > Database: Here you will find msgstore.db.crypt file which contains all messages which you have received and sent in the same day. You can also find another file in same foldermsgstore-yyyy..dd..db.crypt which contains all messages sent and received in last seven days.
  3. Simply open these files with any simple text editors.
  4. You can now able to read all your WhatsApp messages. Check out this link to recover deleted files on android.

Hack Your Friends WhatsApp Conversation:

  1. Get your friend’s phone for few minutes
  2. Connect it with your laptop via USB
  3. Go to folder > whatsapp > databases
  4. You will find two files named: msgstore-yyyy..dd..db.crypt and msgstore.db.crypt
  5. Copy this file and rename it with “msgstore-YYYY-MM-DD.1.db.crypt” to “msgstore.db.crypt”. If the file extension is different like “.crypt5” then rename the prefix  but do not change the extension
  6. Install the whatsapp application it will ask for restore. Chose restore from backup. Cheers! You will have all your friends conversation on your phone.

Sunday, 11 September 2016


  • First Thing we see about any Facebook account is thier Profile Picture, If you Find any Facebook Account on your Friendlist suspicious, First thing you will do is Use Reverse Image Search. This helps you find out if Similar Pictures are available on Internet.  First Download the Profile Picture of the account you find suspicious
  • Goto Google images Click on Camera icon which says Search by image, Click on Upload an Image, now choose the Picture you  had downloaded earlier , Now once the uploading Completes, google will show you Similar Images that already exist over internet.

2) Timeline:
  • The Facebook timeline of a Facebook accounts says a lot about that Profile. Most Fake Profiles have “Female” as a gender, this doesn’t Mean all fb accounts with “Female” Genders are Fake, There are many other things to Identify Fake Facebook Account.
  • if thier photos folder shows only 1 or 2 Pictures that too of random Celebrities then probably its fake.
  • if the Person does not update Status, or if he does, the Comments does not read like his Real friends or the profile does not comments on others status,then its likely to be a Fake profile
  • The “About” tab will Give you More information about the Profile, if the “About” tab don’t show you any info about the persons profile then thats an indication about fake profile

3) Wait for 1st january:

  • This is kind of Funny, Why Would one Wait for 1st jan to Identify Fake Facebook Account, Well Fake Profile Makers Most Probably Enter 1st jan as thier birth date while creating Fake account. So on 1st Jan, Facebook will Show you People who have birthdays today. Go through that list and Unfriend them if you dont know them Personally.
  • On 1st jan 2014, i was shocked to see 28 people Having thier birthday, Guess what i performed the above Proccess.

4) Girls Profile :
  • Most of the Fake profiles are created with Girl Identity and with a Beautiful face as a Profile Picture, You may even find Cell phone Number, Girls Hardly will Share thier Contact number in Public.
  • A girl Profile with Lots of Friends and Followers indicates a Fake Profile.

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Find who you talk to most

Who is really your favourite person? It might not be who you think. On iOS, there is a way to find the people you send the most messages to and how much storage each person takes up, among other things.

iOS: Settings > Account > Storage Usage > Select Contact

Wednesday, 27 April 2016



Step 1: First you have to Open your Timeline and Open your Profile Picture Album by clicking on Photos Tab, Choose a Picture that you want as another Profile Picture.
Step 2: Open that Picture in a New Window By Holding Ctrl and Clicking on it
Step 3: Now Check the URL of that Picture, you will get something like below URL
All you have to do is Copy the fbid, Here in the above url, my photo fbid is 491366447588908.
Step 4: Open your Timeline, hover your mouse on your Profile Picture, you will see  Edit Profile PictureOption,Click on it and Select Edit Thumbnail.
Step 5: A popup window will appear, now Right Click on your Profile Picture and Choose Inspect Element,
Step 3: Now Check the URL of that Picture, you will get something like below URL
All you have to do is Copy the fbid, Here in the above url, my photo fbid is 491366447588908.
Step 4: Open your Timeline, hover your mouse on your Profile Picture, you will see  Edit Profile PictureOption,Click on it and Select Edit Thumbnail.
Step 5: A popup window will appear, now Right Click on your Profile Picture and Choose Inspect Element,

Scroll down a bit, you will find <input type=”hidden” autocomplete=”off” name=”photo_fbid” value=”491366447588908“>
Now all You need to do is Replace the Current fbid Value with the one you Copied earlier in Step 3, You can do it by Double Clicking on the Current fbid Value and Replace it with the one you Copied earlier which is in my case :491366447588908.
Step 7: Click anywhere , Close Inspect Element Window and Now Click on Save, All Done, Now Check your timeline, update any status and you will see Different Profile Picture.
Step 8: Liked it? Learned Something new ? Then its time to Let your Friends Know about it. Have Fun!!!

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Now you can hide your private folder from everyone in your smart phones

Now you can hide your private folder from everyone in your smart phones

Your smart phone is the locker of your private data. These data you can’t share to anybody. it’s necessary that data should be kept secretly from everyone’s eyes. but there are many apps to hide them but they are always secured with password or pin protection. so today we are telling you how to hide your personal data files or folder in your smart phone without using any app.
1. First of all go to phone’s menu and open file manager
2. Where ever you want to hide your data either it is SD card or internal storage just make a folder over there.
3. Option for making folder will be available at right side at the top , it will be visible in form of three dots.
4. As you will click on the new folder there will an option to name that folder, at that time you have to use dot ‘.’ Before the name and ok it.
5. As the folder is made the file will be hidden.
6. Now go again to settings in file manager , there will be an option hide system files , deselect that, after doing that folder will be visible in file manager

7. Save your private data in this folder.
8. Now again it you want to hide this file, Just select hide system file in settings . Now whenever you will type your file name on search bar and search it, the file will not be visible to you.
9. Whenever you want to use that hidden files just deselect the hide file option in settings of file manager.

Saturday, 16 April 2016


Follow the Below simple steps to Know how you can get back and have access to your deleted messages, photos,Videos and all other data of your facebook profile.
Step 1: First of all,You will have open Facebook General account Settings.
Step 2: Once you open your general settings, you will see Download a Copy of your Facebook Data, So click on it to.
Step 3: On the Next page you will see a Download Archive Button, Click on it and you will be prompt to enter your Password to Continue, This is a Security Step by Facebook.
Step 4: After entering your Facebook Password, Click on Submit, On the next screen you will be shown that the download link for your data will be sent to your email id which you used to create your facebook account.
Step 5: Wait for Few Minutes, check your mail. You will see a mail from facebook in your Inbox with Downloading link ready for you to download all your data.

Turn Any Browser Window Into a Quick-Edit Notepad

Notepads are awesome, but sometimes you need to just jot down a quick one or two line note that doesn't need to be saved. Software developer Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga shares a simple way to do it in any browser.
All you need to do is type the following code into the browser's URL bar 
data:text/html, <html contenteditable>

Know your Internet browser shortcuts

Know your Internet browser shortcuts

There are dozens of different shortcut keys that can be used with Internet browsers. Below are a few of our top suggested Internet browser shortcuts.
Press Alt + D or Ctrl + L to move the cursor into theaddress bar.
Hold down the Ctrl key and press the + or - to increase and decrease the size of text. Ctrl + 0 will reset the text.
Press the backspace key or press Alt key + left arrow to go back a page.
Press F5 or Ctrl + R to refresh or reload a web page.
Press F11 to make the Internet browser screen full screen. Press F11 again to return to the normal view.
Press Ctrl + B to open your Internet bookmarks.
Press Ctrl + F to open the find box to search for text within the web page you are reading.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Use Whatsapp Without Any Phone Number

Do you know you can use whatsapp without any phone number.
 Yes you heard it right. 

Follow the steps:

Uninstall whatsapp from your mobile. 

Download whatsapp from play store.

 Turn the flight mode on. 

Download and install spoof messages app from play store Start the installation process.

 Now , It will not be able to verify you via internet and it will prompt you to choose alternate SMS Method.

 Now choose check through sms and enter your email. 

Instantly without waiting for any more time click on cancel and authorization process will stop. 

Now open the spoof messaging app and enter below details.

It will now verify whatsapp for you and you will start using whatsapp.
 Send All Your Conversation To Your Email Most people wanted to view media and chats on their computer, 

but they are unaware of a shortcut that can send all the chat history and images, video to your inbox with one single click.

 Just go to whatsapp and press any contact for more than few seconds.

 A pop up menu will appear  Click on email conversation.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Send A Message To All Your Friends At Once.

Send A Message To All Your Friends At Once.

If you want to send a message to more than one person,

 you can use whatsapp broadcast feature.

 For that you have to first create a broadcast list from your contacts. 

Once its ready, go to new broadcast and send message.

 It will be sent to all your friends. 

The only condition is that the person in your broadcast should also have your phone number saved on their phone.

Hiding Last Seen, Profile Picture and Status

1. Hiding Last Seen, Profile Picture and Status..

The “last seen” feature can be the root to some problems in life and keeping that in mind, WhatsApp has included the ability to hide it altogether. You can hide your last seen, profile picture and status from people.

         To do that, you just need to go to WhatsApp’s Settings->Account->Privacy. There you will have the options to choose whether you want your last seen, profile picture and status to be seen by “Everyone”, “Contacts” or “Nobody”.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

सिंपल ट्रिक्स से अपने मैमोरी कार्ड का डाटा Recover

फोन की स्टोरेज बढ़ाने के लिए आप एसडी कार्ड का उपयोग करते हैं, लेकिन यह छोटी सी मैमोरी चिप अगर
गलती से डैमेज हो जाएं तो आपकी दर्जनों डॉक्यूमेंट्स, फोटोज, सॉन्ग, सब चले जाएंगे। ऐसे में आप क्या करेंगे?
परेशान होने की जरूरत नहीं क्योंकि आप कुछ सिंपल ट्रिक्स से अपने मैमोरी कार्ड का डाटा रिकवर कर सकते हैं।
इन स्टेप्स को फॉलो कर आप अपना डाटा रिकवर कर सकते हैं-

1.मैमोरी कार्ड दो प्रकार के होते है- समान्य और हाइ कैपेसिटी कार्ड। मैमोरी कार्ड को रिकवर करने से पहले
उसका टाइप पता होना जरूरी है। विभिन्न कार्ड की अलग-अलग मैमोरी फॉर्मेटिंग होती है

2.बहुत बार देखा गया है कि अगर एसडी कार्ड को स्कैन किया जाए तो परेशानी हल हो जाती है। इसके लिए
my computer या फिर Windows explorer से कार्ड सर्च करके उस पर right click करें।

3.अब सामने Popup menu खुल जाएगा, उसमें Properties पर जाएं। फिर आपको एक new window उपलब्ध हो
जाएगी, जिसमें पाइ चार्ट बना होगा। अब इसके बाद tools tab को सेलेक्ट करके error checking बटन पर क्लिक
करें। फिर इसके बाद fixing file system error के चेक बॉक्स पर क्लिक कर दें।

4.कंप्यूटर कार्ड को तब रीड नहीं करेगा जब reader को कोई ड्राइव लेटर असाइन नहीं किया गया है। बहुत बार
रीडर को एक ड्राइव लेटर असाइन हो जाता है,लेकिन जब उस पर क्लिक किया जाता है तो drive e-insert करने
का निर्देश मिलता है। इसका मतलब है कि कार्ड रीड नहीं हो रहा।

5.आपका डाटा SDHC कार्ड पर है तो आपको SDHC device की जरूरत पड़ेगी। कुछ एसडी कार्ड को रीड करने
के लिए आपको डिवाइस में सॉफ्टवेयर डाउनलोड करने की जरूरत पड़ेगी या यह सॉफ्टवेयर पहले से उपलब्ध होंगे
ताकि कार्ड रीड किया जा सकें। इसलिए जरूरी है कि डिवाइस निर्माता की वेबसाइट पर जाकर देखें कि क्या
ऐसा कोई सॉफ्टवेयर उपलब्ध है।
खराब हो गया है मेमोरी कार्ड? ऐसे करें डाटा रिकवर

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Create a Photo Collage Using Pictures of Your Facebook Friends

Create a Photo Collage Using Pictures of Your Facebook Friends

Here’s a small little trick in Facebook that allows you to create a grid view or photo collage out of your friends list. This is how I do it:

setp :-
  1. Click on Friends tab.
  2. Proceed to More tab.
  3. From “Choose an option” dropdown, choose any of the dashes “-“
Photos of all your friends will be displayed, each in 50×50 pixels forming a grid view. Have fun.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Disable WhatsApp Blue Ticks

How to Disable WhatsApp Blue Ticks aka Read Receipt on Android

WhatsApp launched a new feature called ‘Read Receipt’ that allows users to see if a message that they have sent has been read by the receiver. This feature was implemented by the way of showing double blue ticks in the bottom-right corner of the WhatsApp message bubble. When your message has been read by the recipient, the double grey ticks will turn into double blue ticks.
With the blue ticks marks, it’s now easier to keep track of a conversation on WhatsApp. However, some users who love privacy found it annoying with the update. If you don’t like the ‘read receipt’ feature, you can easily disable the blue ticks on WhatsApp. Please note that once you disable this feature, you won’t be able to see the double blue  when you send a message as well.
Here’s how you can disable WhatsApp blue ticks on your Android device.
  • Launch WhatsApp
  • Go To Settings -> Account -> Privacy
  • Untick the ‘Read Receipts’ option
  • Done! Now even if you have read the Whatsapp message, the sender will not receive a blue tick marks.
This feature however doesn’t work in group conversations so the sender will still be able to see the blue ticks whenever all the members of the group read his or her message.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

How To Increase Battery Life In smartphone

 Amazing expert tips on how to properly charge your phone. Boost battery life: 

1. Dim the screen brightness

You love your smartphone's large, colourful display, but it's the
battery's mortal enemy. More than any other component of your phone, the display consumes battery life at a devastating pace. Most phones include an auto-brightness feature that automatically adjusts the screen's brightness to suit ambient lighting levels.
This mode uses less power than constantly running your screen at full brightness would, of course, but you'll get even better results by
turning your screen's brightness down to the lowest setting that you
can tolerate and leaving it there. Even if you do nothing else we
suggest, following this one tip will extend the life of your battery
dramatically. Boost battery life:

2. Keep the screen timeout short

Under your phone's display settings menu, you should find an option labeled 'Screen Timeout' or something similar. (On an iPhone, look for Auto-Lock in the General settings menu.) This setting controls how long your phone's screen stays lit after receiving input, such as a tap. Every second counts here, so set your timeout to the shortest available time. On most Android phones, the minimum is 15 seconds. If your screen timeout is currently set to 2 minutes, consider reducing that figure to 30 seconds or less. On an iPhone, the minimum you can set is 1 minute. Boost battery life:

3. Turn off Bluetooth

No matter now much you love using Bluetooth with your hands-free
headset, your wireless speaker or activity tracker, the extra radio is
constantly listening for signals from the outside world. When you
aren't in your car, or when you aren't playing music wirelessly, turn off the Bluetooth radio. This way, you can add an hour or more to yourphone's battery life. Boost battery life:

4. Turn off Wi-Fi

As with Bluetooth, your phone's Wi-Fi radio is a serious battery
drainer. While you will need to use your home or office Wi-Fi
connection rather than 3G or 4G for internet access and other data
services, there's little point in leaving the Wi-Fi radio on when you're out and about. Toggle it off when you go out the door, and turn it back on only when you plan to use data services within range of your Wi-Fi network. Android users can add the Wi-Fi toggle widget to their home screen to make this a one-tap process, or swipe down from the top of the screen (twice if you have Lollipop.)
In iOS it's easier than ever to toggle Bluetooth and Wi-Fi on and off.
Simply swipe up from the bottom of the screen to display the Control
Centre. Boost battery life:

 5. Go easy on the location services, and GPS

Another big battery sucker is apps using GPS, Wi-Fi and mobile data
for monitoring your location. As a user, you can revoke apps' access to location services, or set levels (in Android) to determine how much power they use. In Settings > Location, you can choose High accuracy when you need it, or Battery saving when you don't.
Boost battery life:

6. Don't leave apps running in the background

Multitasking - the ability to run more than one app at a time - is a
powerful smartphone feature. It also burns a lot of energy, because
every app you run uses a share of your phone's processor cycles.
Some apps themselves are particularly heavy on battery life. For
example, Facebook has confirmed it is investigating reports that its iOS app could be to blame for significant battery drain, and is working on a fix. "We have heard reports of some people experiencing battery issues with our iOS app," Facebook told TechCrunch. "We're looking into this and hope to have a fix in place soon." By killing apps that you aren't actually using, you can drastically reduce your CPU's workload and cut down on its power consumption. In Android, tap the multi-tasking button - usually the right-most of the three icons at the bottom of the screen - and you can swipe away apps to close them. In iOS, double-tap the Home button so the multitasking screen appears, then swipe upwards to close the app. Both iOS and Android now have battery monitors, so you can check exactly how much each app is using and easily spot those which are using too much power. Then you can either uninstall them or simply make sure you quit them when you're not actually using them. Boost battery life:

7. Don't use vibrate

Prefer to have your phone alert you to incoming calls by vibrating
rather than playing a ringtone? We understand the inclination;
unfortunately, vibrating uses much more power than playing a ringtone does. After all, a ringtone only has to make a tiny membrane in your phone's speaker vibrate enough to produce sound. In contrast, the vibration motor rotates a small weight to make your whole phone shake. That process takes a lot more power. If you don't want to be disturbed audibly, consider turning off all notifications and leave the phone in view so you can see when a new call is coming in. This approach is as courteous to your battery as it is to your friends and colleagues. Boost battery life:

 8. Turn off non-essential notifications

It seems as though almost every app now polls the internet in search of updates, news, messages, and other information. When it finds
something, the app may chime, light up your screen and display a
message, make your LED blink, or do all of the above. All of these
things consume energy. You probably don't want to turn off notifications about new text messages or missed calls, but turning off superfluous notifications will help your battery last a little longer, and it will eliminate pointless distractions throughout your day.
Boost battery life:

 9. Push email

Having your phone constantly check if there's new email is a waste of power. Instead of allowing email to be pushed to your phone at any time, why not change the setting to fetch mail every so often - maybe 15 or 30 minutes if you don't need to respond immediately to anyone? Boost battery life:

 10. Power-saving modes

Depending on your phone, you may find the manufacturer has provided power-saving features that go beyond anything available in Android by default. (Apple's iOS doesn't have a battery saving mode.) Enabling a battery-saving mode manages the phone's

various power-

sapping features for you. It might, for example, prevent apps from
updating in the background, dim your screen, reduce the screen
timeout setting, disable on-screen animations, and turn off vibration.
By default, this mode usually turns on when your battery level to
20 percent, but you can set it to kick in at 30 percent instead. And the
sooner the phone switches to this power-saving mode, the longer its
battery will last. A few phones, notably from HTC and Samsung, have so-called extreme (or ultra) power saving modes. These turn everything off except those necessary for making phone calls and sending text messages (even turning the screen to black and white) and can add anything up to 24 hours of emegency use, even if your battery is down to 15 or 20 percent.

Monday, 8 February 2016

How to use 2 profile in fb

Step 1: 

First you have to Open your Timeline and Open your Profile Picture Album by clicking on Photos Tab, Choose a Picture that you want as another Profile Picture.

Step 2:

Open that Picture in a New Window By Holding Ctrl and Clicking on it.

Step 3:

 Now Check the URL of that Picture, you will
get something like below URL https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?

All you have to do is Copy the fbid, Here in the above url, my photo fbid is 491366447588908.

Step 4: 

Open your Timeline, hover your mouse on your Profile Picture, you will see Edit Profile Picture Option,Click on it and Select Edit Thumbnail.

Step 5:

A popup window will appear, now Right Click on your Profile Picture and Choose Inspect Element,

Scroll down till you find <form action=”https://

Step 6: 

Now click on the Small arrow to Expand the
Code Further. Scroll down a bit, you will find <input type=”hidden”
autocomplete=”off” name=”photo_fbid”
value=” 491366447588908 “>

Now all You need to do is Replace the Current fbid Value with the one you Copied earlier in Step 3, You can do it by Double Clicking on the Current fbid Value
and Replace it with the one you Copied earlier which is in my case :491366447588908.

Step 7: 

Click anywhere , Close Inspect Element
Window and Now Click on Save, All Done, Now Check your timeline, update any status and you will see Different Profile Picture.

Step 8: 

Liked it? Learned Something new ? Then its
time to Let your Friends Know about it. Have Fun!!!

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Recover Pictures from SD Card

Quick Steps:

Stop taking new photos on the
memory card to avoid overwriting

Find a PC or Mac, visit CardRecovery.com to download and install CardRecovery software

Run CardRecovery to scan the memory and recover the lost photos

CardRecovery is a popular SD Card Recovery software to recover deleted, formatted, corrupted or lost pictures, images and photos from the SD Card. It has a wizard-style interface and allows you to easily recover files from the SD memory card. It supports all brands including SanDisk, Kingston, Toshiba, Lexar,
Transcend, PQI and more.

It's a small download and you may get it in
less than two minutes. Run the downloaded
executable file and follow the instructions to install it on your computer. Then launch it. It has a wizard-style interface and it's very easy to use. Usually, in less than 10 minutes, you will get back those lost pictures from the SD Card using the software.